6 Tips to Being the Most Successful You

6 Tips to Being the Most Successful You

Climbing your way up the ladder isn’t easy. It can be exhausting and even make you question yourself. Whether you’re a young entrepreneur or a seasoned executive- you can always be more successful. Here are 6 tips for being the most successful you.

1.Establish a sleep routine

We all know that getting enough sleep is important. Sleep deprivation can really slow you down. However, it’s more than just getting eight hours of sleep every night. The real key is to establish a sleep routine. Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. Shifting your sleep schedule by staying up later and sleeping in can result in a similar feeling to jet lag. When your body is on a schedule, it’ll be ready to work its best when you need it to.

2.Get an organizational system down

You can’t be successful if you’re not highly organized.  Having a functioning organizational system makes life easier. It can feel wasteful to spend time organizing, but it’s actually really important. Investing your time in actual organizing and creating organizational methods increases productivity and efficiency. When things are disorganized it can become difficult and time-consuming to find important information.  Your brain quickly becomes cluttered and frustrated when things are a mess. Set yourself up for success with great organization.

3.Write things down

Loose thoughts running around in your brain will drive anybody crazy. That’s why it’s important to write things down. To-do lists, to-don’t lists, ideas, thoughts, etc. It’s difficult to focus on something if you keep having an off-topic reoccurring thought. Thoughts can be very distracting while trying to work. Writing something down allows your brain to compartmentalize it and come back later. Don’t try to be superman and remember everything. Write things down!


People typically like to pride themselves on being great multi-taskers, but is multi-tasking really a helpful skill? The answer is no.  Research by neuroscientists  suggests that multi-tasking reduces efficiency, creates mistakes, and impedes on creative thought. Constantly refocusing your brain wastes time and energy. It’s best to focus on one task for a set time. A helpful trick is turning off all sound notifications. No distractions for just one hour can significantly increase productivity.


Successful people set aside time to just sit and think. Thinking, without being focused on a task, allows your brain to think harder and deeper. Thoughts are connections being made in your brain. When you’re thinking about a task at hand, it’s like boxing in a part of your brain. Yes you can develop new thoughts and make connections, but it’s limited. When you’re not focused on a task your brain can make connections from everywhere. If you really want to be innovative and revolutionize your industry, set aside time weekly to think.

6.Take time for yourself

If you’re a workaholic like me, you know how difficult it is to take time for yourself. Deciding to do anything other than work can leave you feeling guilty. However, neglecting to take time for yourself directly inhibits two things needed for success –mental health and productivity. Your mind and body can only function at full capacity for so long. Working excessive hours every day will cause burn out and you’ll be less productive all of the time. Plus the stress of overworking yourself can lead to impaired sleep, depression, diabetes, and impaired memory. Success doesn’t happen overnight so it’s important to take care of yourself for the long haul.


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